Canadian photographer, visual artist and writer
ALEX TURNER’S PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTWORK exhibits an astonishing range of styles and subject matter: from street and nature photography, to hand-cut assemblages, to video manipulations and digital collage.
Much of his work celebrates the natural beauty of his boyhood home--Harrison Hot Springs--or documents the Upper Fraser Valley’s increasing urbanization and the loss of its wild lands that Alex so loved. The work was featured in a 2022 retrospective exhibition, Transformations.
Though known as a gifted visual artist, Alex was an insightful chronicler of his life and times through his fiction. His debut novel, Toward Another Shore, is currently seeking a publisher. “Sea Change,” its penultimate tale, appears summer 2025 in the Canadian literary journal, Prairie Fire.
“Sea Change,” the penultimate tale from Alex’s debut novel-in-stories to be published summer 2025 in the venerable Canadian literary journal, Prairie Fire.